Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Prayer Request - Owen McCafferty


Sorry I haven't been able to attend the meetings or post on the blog, but I have a major update on my job search!! While I haven't heard still from Sports Service Wellbread even after taking the routine drug test, I went ahead on my job search. I found on (another job search website you can pass on the group) I found that TJ Maxx was hiring for custodial and merchandise stock help in North Olmsted. Well, I went to the interview last Tuesday, past a survey test, and even handed some referances that they asked for. Well, the next thing I know the people that I knew who were happy to be referances for me had called to let ME know that TJ Maxx were checking on my credibility. Well, I called TJ Maxx for a follow up call, and they offered me a part time job 25-30 hrs. week for a custodial and merchandise position and I took it! Starting pay is $6.15 an hour. I'll find out about the benifits and details next Tuesday when I have the orientation!! So pray really does work and having a lot of faith and trust in God isn't bad either!! Take care and you can post this message on the blog for me!! Thanks!!



Matt 6:34 Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. For tomorrow has it's own troubles of it's own!!

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