Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Great Article to Start Off the New Year - Turn Your Passion into a Paycheck!

How to Turn Your Passions Into a Paycheck
It’s almost the end of the year and a great time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t in 2016. Just take a few minutes and write down the top 5 things and the worst 5 things about the year. Look at your list. What was the root cause of the things that caused your unhappiness? If you are like 80% of professionals, it is an unfulfilling job. Personally, I believe that life is too short to be unhappy at work. So, if you want 2017 to be a happier year, then maybe it’s time to figure out how to turn your passions into a paycheck.

At InspiredWork, we believe that “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Many of our clients’ dream of doing what they love. But, many of them aren’t sure how to make money doing what they love. If you are like our clients, you may also be asking yourself questions like, “How can I find work I love?”, “IS this even possible?”,  “How can I turn my passions into a paycheck?”, “Where do I start?”. Don’t worry; there are a few steps you can take to get started right now.

The first and most important step forward is to figure out what you are good at and enjoy doing. Plain-and-simple. In order to create a business out of what you love or be part of a business that offers what you love, you first have to discover what you truly love. To start, simply get a piece of paper and a pen and map it out. Write down things that come naturally to you and that you enjoy doing in life. Write down things that make you feel good about yourself and make you feel like you are offering something important to the world. Write down what you would do every single day in your free time, if no one ever paid you a dime. Also, write down anything that your friends ask you to help them. For example, my friends were always asking me to help them with their resumes and finding a new job. Also, I was the “go-to” person for any type of career crisis or advice.

Once you have come up with all of the things you love, ask other people, including your loved ones who know you the best, what they think you are great at and what they hear you talk about a lot. It’s human nature to talk about things we are passionate about. So, write down anything you love talking about and reading about regularly.

Then, go through your list and figure out what off of your list is a potential for income: what would people pay for, what is there a need for, what could you offer that is unique to a stale industry, or what could you offer that is new and has never been done before? If you have several business ideas, ask yourself if you could only do one, which one would you want to do. Pick the one that makes you smile, the one that gives you feel excited just to think about it. That’s the one that you would most likely love doing.

Next, it is important for you to think about who would buy what you just decided you want to sell. It could be cooking classes for couples; it could be running your own daycare, or even being a fitness coach. Put yourself in your future clients’ shoes and think about what they need and might be looking for. What kinds of events do they attend? What would hold them back? What keeps them up at night? What do they need? This will help you to figure out your ideal customer and will help you learn how to better attract them so you can turn your passions into a paycheck.

After that, you need to sit down and figure out what kind of income you are hoping to make out of your new venture. Whatever it is, you need to believe in yourself and your products or services. You need to know that offering lower rates than your competitors will not allow for you to attract quality clients. You want clients who want the best, who will be loyal, and who will tell their friends! So be competitive with your pricing and know that if it’s worth it to you, it’ll be worth it to someone else, too!

Once you have a basic framework and are ready to go, make sure you bring in someone to help you with the things that are out of your skillset. Remember that business is a team sport. So, make sure that you get the right help by calling around and figuring out who’s the best at what you need. Get all of the advice and help that you can from people who have done what you want to do. The right advisors can save you time and money in launching your business and turning your passions into a paycheck.

Life is short. Live your passions. You have them for a reason and there is no time like the present to turn your passions into a paycheck.
To Your Inspired Success,
Vicki Morris


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