Saturday, September 10, 2011

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th: Jim Smith - "Take Your Life Back"

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th: Jim Smith - "Take Back Your Life"

Hi Everyone:
Please plan on attending a very special presentation by Jim Smith, The Executive Happiness Coach who will show us how to "Take Your Life Back" during these difficult and very stressful times. Jim's event will be in the Worship Center Monday, September 12th at 7:00pm. Here is his website:

If you or anyone you know needs real attitude or motivational boost to keep on keeping on, then please come and enjoy this wonderful presentation. Jim will get you fired up to make the most out of life's circumstances and not let them control you.

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. For more information please stop by our lobby table this Sunday at Grace Church.

Keep Pressing on in His Grace,

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